Ukrainian community in the Netherlands

Association "Ukrainian Community in the Netherlands"

Attention! We have a new location! Doklaan 21, 3081 AD Rotterdam

We, the Ukrainian Community of the Netherlands, are collecting and forwarding humanitarian aid and supplies to the people, territorial defense units, and military personnel of Ukraine.
We appeal to all concerned and sympathetic citizens who understand the need to support the Ukrainian people in defending their country from aggressive invasion.
We are readily accepting humanitarian aid in the form of food products, housing necessities (e.g. blankets, pillows, sleeping bags), medicines, heating devices, warm adult and children’s clothing, diapers for infants and adults, and financial donations. Any contribution will be received with great gratitude.

Food, medicines and personal hygiene products are very necessary.

Contact details:
Ukrainian community in the Netherlands
The best way!
Tel: +31649359975 (viber, Whatsapp)
Address: Waalhaven Northside 33
3087BH Rotterdam.
Bank details: NL 14 ABNA 0416742378
Voor noodhulp.

Koninklijk Paar spreekt Oekraïeners in Nederland over de situatie in Oekraïne

“Mensen uit de Oekraïense gemeenschap in Nederland vertelden ons vandaag hun verhaal. Zij spraken over hun angst, woede en peilloze verdriet. Over de liefde voor hun dierbaren. En over hun overtuiging dat vrijheid zal zegevieren. De gesprekken hebben ons diep geraakt. Oekraïne verdient ons aller steun.” – WA en Máxima.

Een aantal mensen uit de Oekraïense gemeenschap in Nederland sprak vandaag met Koning Willem-Alexander en Koningin Máxima over de situatie in Oekraïne. Ook de ambassadeur van Oekraïne en zijn echtgenote waren bij het gesprek op Paleis Noordeinde in Den Haag aanwezig.

A letter of gratitude was presented to Oleksandr Neduzhny for humanitarian assistance to Ukraine by Ambassador Alexander Karosevich.

Pit Spikers, President of Humanitarie Hulp Kinderen Oekraïne (Netherlands)

Pit Spikers, Angelina Kucheruk, Igor Kirichenko

The city of Rotterdam and our community are working to create a Ukrainian House.

An action in support of Ukraine was held in Rotterdam today, which was founded by the Mayor's office of the city headed by Mayor Mr. Ahmed Aboutaleb, at which he met with the Ukrainian community of the Netherlands. Expressing the full support of the Dutch community to the defenders of Ukraine, he said that he was sincerely amazed at the courage with which Ukrainians defend their land and wished a speedy victory.

A lot of caring residents of Rotterdam came to the rally in support of Ukraine against the insidious invasion of Russian invaders. Among the active participants of this march were a lot of respected citizens, including the Vice-Mayor of Rotterdam, Drs. V.P.G Vincent Karremans. He talked with activists of the Ukrainian community of the Netherlands and expressed sincere, heartfelt support to the courageous Ukrainian people, wished victory, restoration of peace and harmony in Ukraine.

Warm meeting of the Ukrainian Community of the Netherlands with the Vice-Mayor of Rotterdam Mr. Drs. V.P.G Karremans

Warm meeting of the Ukrainian Community of the Netherlands with the Vice-Mayor of Rotterdam, Drs. V.P.G Karremans

The association "Ukrainian Community in the Netherlands" ("Oekrainse gemeenschap in Nederland") was founded and registered in the summer of 2007. Most representatives of immigration from Ukraine were very enthusiastic about the creation of this organization. The main number of citizens of Ukrainian origin who are or live on the territory of the Netherlands belong to the new, so-called "economic" wave of immigration. According to preliminary estimates, there are up to 15 thousand Ukrainians in the Netherlands. Mr. Igor Kirichenko was elected Chairman of the association.

Now there is a process of formation and self-identification of Ukrainian society in the multicultural environment of the Netherlands, in particular, in the largest city of the country - Rotterdam. Under the leadership of Mr. I. Kirichenko, a Ukrainian Cultural Center has been created on the basis of which presentations of Ukrainian films are held, musical and creative groups perform. A Ukrainian Sunday school is being created in which children of Ukrainian and mixed families will have the opportunity to learn and improve the Ukrainian language, literature, history, as well as the cultural heritage of Ukraine. All children of Ukrainian emigrants have free access to the Dutch education system. Much attention is paid to humanitarian, as well as social assistance and support to the most needy population of Ukraine. The leadership of the association conducts many events jointly with the Embassy of Ukraine in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The basis of the work of the "Ukrainian community in the Netherlands" is the protection of the rights and interests of Ukrainian compatriots and this continues to be the most important and priority task.

Charity cargo for the residents of ZHYTOMYR

A warm welcome in the Luhansk region

Meeting with the Ambassador of the Netherlands


Ukraine is an example of great courage, endurance and spirituality. She went through the centuries in a very difficult way. Ukrainians have always been famous for their great inner strength, unique culture, melodious speech and high standards of morality, open, honest and friendly. There was no time for the formation of the Ukrainian state. Folk songs, Thoughts, legends have brought to us the truth about the long-ago heroic and sad times when the glorious Cossacks-Cossacks defended the will of the people, the sacred lands of their native land. Ukrainians selflessly fought for their future and a better life for their children. And fate granted this flourishing and generous country the desired independence. But it turned out that she has to go through hard times again, the country has become a victim of brutal violence from an aggressive neighbor. The whole world watches with bated breath and supports the Ukrainian people in their sacred struggle for the right to be a sovereign power. The new leadership of the country is making a lot of efforts to improve the life and work of the people of Ukraine, new reforms are being developed that should accelerate the Ukrainian economy: the creation of a market for Silskohospodar lands, judicial reform, strengthening governance in state banks, progress in the fight against corruption and ensuring financial stability. The main priority is social standards, defense, reform of medicine and education.